Cancer Care Cup Pickleball Tournament Fundraiser
MARCH 8, 2025 - NOON - 4PM

Since the inception of Cancer Care Cup in 2017, we have contributed over $300,000 to patient assistance funds to help with expenditures that would otherwise be financially difficult for the patient or their caregivers. With overwhelming support & generosity from our communities and partners such as you, we can continue to help oncology patients and their caregivers.
Funds raised from the 2024 events have been distributed to over 60 oncology patients from Allen, Bartholomew, Boone, Decatur, Franklin, Greene, Hamilton, Hendricks, Henry, Howard, Hancock, Jay, Johnson, Lake, Lawrence, Madison, Marion, Morgan, Tipton and many more counties. We have expanded our reach to assist oncology patients with rent, utilities, groceries, gas, medical devices and other expenses that would have otherwise gone unpaid.
If you would like to make a donation, click "Donate Now" or send a check to Cancer Care Cup - 17735 Commerce Drive - Westfield, IN 46074.
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Thank You!
"We have an oncology patient who moved from FL to IN and is living with her son while waiting for disability income to be approved. When Cancer Care Cup delivered her card for food and a card for gas today, I let them know the patient had lost her job, her home, and moved here to live with her son because she had no other options. Thank you all for all that you do for the Cancer Care Cup!!!!"
- Social Worker
"I wanted to reach out and say that I am incredibly thankful and grateful for having your help with the coverage of my medical bill. The support meant a lot to me and I appreciate it greatly. This helping hand will not be forgotten."
- Sincerely, E. Ochoa
"In 2014 I had a mastectomy and in 2019 had a lumpectomy and healing. 2022 had a mammogram and then a partial mastectomy and new implant. 2023 Cancer Care Cup blessed me with much needed financial help, beyond what I could have imagined. I am truly grateful."
- With Sincere & Deep Appreciation,
Ms. Adams, Breast Cancer Patient
“It paid for my gas to go to my semi-annual doctor appointment at Werner Medical center on the campus of Ohio State University for my regular bloodwork and wellness check. Then I tested positive for Covid-19 the next day and had to return for a monoclonal transfusion to combat the virus. I used the gas cards for my fuel both times. It’s a blessing to have a fuel card with prices spiking right now and a comfort to know the Cancer Care Cup & LLS is always there to help”
- Rodney, CLL Patient
"I am currently in a Myeloma study in Indy. The travel card pays for gas from Fort Wayne to Simon Cancer Center in Indy and back. I saw today gas went up again. I have an appointment in 2 weeks. Without this gas card I would have had to cancel my appointment. My credit card is almost maxed out. The financial help is so very much appreciated. Being retired and on a fixed income the medical bills would be so very difficult to squeeze in my budget. I thank God every day for the Cancer Care Cup & LLS for helping our blood cancer family."
- Kathleen, Myeloma Patient
"One patient especially comes to mind that I feel is a testament to how much of a gift the Cancer Care Cup gift cards are to our patients. This patient is a 29 year old single Mom to three children, with the youngest child on the Autism Spectrum with sensory challenges. Patient was diagnosed with breast cancer, had surgeries, and began receiving chemotherapy at this hospital, which was just completed a few weeks ago. Patient will now begin the journey of requiring 5 weeks of radiation, 5 days weekly, for two hours each day."
- Social Worker IUH Tipton
"Thank you so much for providing these gift cards to our Oncology patients. I saw the appreciation on their faces, heard it in their voices, as well as in their families, when I presented the card to them with explanation of how I was able to provide the card to them…through the Cancer Cup."
- Social Worker
"All of the Oncology patients that were given the Cancer Cup $100.00 gift cards are special people that presented as strong fighters and all voiced appreciation for the gift of the card. I had the honor to meet with these patients, some only once, and others more often."
- Social Worker
“I have used the funds for gas. My daughter-law takes me for all of my appointments. I have so many and have had to have fluid drawn off my lungs and had to have a chest tube put in. I have had several hospital stays also. It would have been a real struggle without your help. I don't know how we would have managed. A big thank you for the help!”
- Linda, Lymphoma Patient
“Larry and Sandy have received the travel grant from LLS amongst other grants. They are very grateful for the support of the Cancer Care Cup & LLS and stated that they have to travel around 200 miles round trip to clinic visits and the travel card helps to make their trips more affordable."
- Karen, Social Worker
"Zach and Heather talked about the change in income with Zach’s new diagnosis and how helpful getting a gas card has been in allowing his wife to visit him in the hospital from an hour away a few times a week.”
- Karen Social Worker
"I would like to say Thank You for having such a program to assist those in financial need like myself. I never could imagine that everything I worked so hard for was on the brink of disappearing in a flash. The thought of me and my dog being homeless scares me more than my cancer diagnosis. My dog son depends on me to shelter him, clothe, and feed him. But the harsh reality is, I cannot even do those basic needs for myself.”
- Breast Cancer Patient
“Thank you so much for providing these gift cards to our Oncology patients. I saw the appreciation on their faces, heard it in their voices, as well as in their families, when I presented the card to them with explanation of how I was able to provide the card to them…through the Cancer Cup.”
- Social Worker
“A Thank You note was received from a patient who received a gift card for fuel and groceries. She received it the pay period after her surgery, which she was thankful for because she had not had a full paycheck. She used the fuel card to drive to radiation treatments and said it was a big stress relief.”
- Social Worker
"On behalf of The Galvez family We wanted to give a huge thank you to the Cancer Care Cup foundation for helping us in a huge time of need. Since the diagnosis of Levi’s Leukemia (B Cell ALL) liked has changed dramatically. In and of every week for outpatient clinic visits and being hospitalized for almost 40 days. Last week Levi had a seizure and we rushed by EMS to Riley Children’s hospital in Indianapolis,IN. Neuro and Hemoc feared that cancer had spread, thankfully everything was cleared and it was an unexpected event. We appreciate the help from the bottom Of our hearts! Thank you Cancer Care Cup Foundation.
- Galvez Family